God has a plan for me

It's funny how you can know things yet you seem to forget them and all of a sudden you can get hit in the face with them. Today I was driving (trying to get my hours up, next month I can get my license!) and all of a sudden I realised that God has a plan for me and that I shouldn't worry about the future. The thing is I have known this and have been reminding myself of this daily but today it hit me in the face and really sunk in.
God knows when I will get a job and he knows all the details of it.
God knows when I will get married, who I will get married too and what our future will hold as a couple.
God knows what tomorrow will hold.
God knows what next week, next year and even 10 years down the track will hold.
God has a plan for me and you, just think about that for a minute he knows what he is doing even though at times it doesn't seem like it.
This just leaves me with one question what is God's plan for me? I guess I will just have to wait to see and know that he knows what he's doing.


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